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手拉手 Hand in Hand


2003 年 2 月 13 日(星期四) 13 Feb., 2003 (Thursday)






Participatory Schools from Kunming

Primary School affiliated to the Yunnan Normal University

Kunming Mingtong Primary School

Kunmng Wucheng Primary School

Kunming Xinying No2 Primary School

Kunming Shulin No2 Primary School

Kunming Zhonghua Primary School

Primary School affiliated to Southwest College for Forestry

Affiliated Middle School to Yunnan University

Kunming No.8 Middle School

Local school:

Xinrong Wanxiao Primary School


2 月 12 日下午,丽江拉市乡新荣完小内音乐和歌声回荡在校园内, 31 名身着盛装的纳西族学生随着起伏的旋律,跳起了当地著名的迎宾舞。节日般的歌声吸引了校园周边的渔村的老人和孩子,把个学校的大门、篮球场围得水泄不通。下午两点半, 31 名昆明的学生踩着节拍走进校园终于与当地的 31 名学生会面了。

In the afternoon of 12 February, there were 31 Naxi pupils in their best singing and dance in the school, the loud music echoed about campus, attracted the elders and kids from nearby villages. They came crowded at school entrance and blocked the pass. Where the local pupils met their Kunming counterparts at 2:30 in the afternoon.



Not until the coaches told them to, the pupils had their gifts exchanged between them. The Secretary of the Lijiang Youth League Committee followed by local journalist and reporters came to meet Kunming little guests by expressing her thanks and congratulations on the activity. The Experts from Kunming Bird Watching Association were invited to show children body bird. Both the local and Kunming pupils listened to the lecture attentively. They suddenly went into silence when the expert finished bodying, he handed up the bodied little bird over his head and let it free before the eyes of his young audiences.



But the tree planting was one of the unforgettable activity children remembered till today.


在欣渔村村边广场一侧,根据组织者事先的安排,村里沿河沟边已经掘好了 31 个树坑,

准备了 31 株梅子树,树高约 80 厘米。安排树苗的和丽刚先生介绍说,梅子树是当地的一种果树,春天种下去,春天发芽,每年也在春天里开花结果。他希望孩子们像梅子树一样茁壮成长,早日成材。学生开始一对一对相邀种树,一个负责掩土,另一个负责扶苗,不一会儿两个孩子互相交换位置,昆明的学生使唤不来铁锨和锄头,本地的孩子则拿过锄头,那敲击泥块和掩土的把式,一点也不逊色于他们的长辈。短暂的植树使孩子们找到了许多感觉,也给他们带来了一个意味深长的启示即:孩子种下的不仅仅是一株树苗,而是一份长久的友谊。

In the village corner next to a square, there were 31 pitches ready for planting of plum trees. The saplings were 80cm tall. Mr. He Ligang, Chairman of Lashihai Fishing Association told pupils that the tree was of typical local one. It would blossom every Spring. On behalf of Dayu villagers, he hoped the young pupils grow up healthily like the plum trees they planted. Children began to form into pairs, one shoveled soil into pitch, while the other one supported the sapling. Urban children were not used to the farm tools. The village pupil helped them instead. And every single action of them showed that they were imitates of their village parents. The short stay and labor together gave pupils some feelings. It set them a profound thinking that they are not only planting trees, but also planting a long –term friendship.



Before dinner, pupils visited six Xinyu villagers' families. They asked about their income, fishing and study of child in school.


附: 手拉手 计 划 样 板之一

Please refer to <Pupils' Plan on ONE ON ONE>