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家长的心愿 Parents' Wish



The story about bird watching activity seems stop because young pupils had been back to their parents safely after they spent three days at Lashihai Plateau's Wetland Nature Reserve. Didn't the story end?



I met a mother and her daughter one day. Her daughter joined the Winter Camp for bird watching. The mother told me that she read through the Manual of Activity. And suspected the truth of the items listed in the programme, because she heard lots of stories about some organizers, who taking oaths before parents. As soon as children were in their hands, they didn't keep their words any more. The mother said excitedly that her daughter discussed everything she saw at bird watching for a week since her return. She begged her mother (who is a teacher of her daughter's class) to let her compete with other classmates fairly instead of taking care of her during class. Mentioning the great change of her daughter within three days, the mother couldn't hide from me her satisfactory. When I said good-bye to the mother and her daughter, my thought continues, and I believe the story seems no end.



Many such stories happened on the Provincial Juvenile Working Committee, too. When children who were elected as members of the Winter Camp for bird watching, the excitement followed them since then, so that their parents were eventually stirred up and began to give their hands and exhorted to them, hoping they have a save leave and a sound return.