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法律与观鸟 Legal issue

1 月 29 日 (星期三)



29 Jan., 2003 ( Wednesday )

Usually, school children are not allowed to travel during holidays without permission of school and Education Bureaus of different level in China . But many tourist agencies are seen to organize them out under variegated advertisements. It causes the worry for parents during the period of children's absent, because this kind of operation has got limited legal guarantee.



Yunnan Provincial Juvenile Working Committee aims at quality and morality education for young pioneers in every primary school the province over. This made the bird watching possible to mobilize because the committee takes it as a beneficial activity for children.


当然,在寒假期间组织学生到丽江拉市海观鸟,组织者首先面临的是孩子的安全问题,这也是每一个家长和社会各界都普遍关注的焦点。因此,在制定观鸟活动计划之后,相关的法律问题也被提到这次活动的议事日程上来。 1 月 29 日下午,当少工委将制作好的协议文本带到有孩子和孩子的家长们参加的通风会上时,每一位家长都十分配合,并在会后顺序走到前台,在协议书上凝重地签上了自己的名字。

It is a challenge to organizers as well as parents for children to go bird watching at Lashihai Plateau's Wetland Nature Reserve in winter holidays. The organizers gave priority to the safety issue on the agenda after the plan were worked out. The provincial committee had the Safety Agreement document drafted after consulted with certified lawyer and brought it with them to the parents at a notification meeting. Each parent signed his/her name solemnly on the paper after carefully reading it.



It is vital important for parents and organizers to reach a common understanding by resorting to law, which is an effective guarantee for bird watching activity to reach its goal.


为保障参加观鸟活动的学生和工作人员的合法权益,组织者还为每一个参与活动者购买了航空和人身意外伤害险(见 《学生 百 宝箱》 )。同时还从丽江当地邀请了一位经验丰富的医生全程跟随团队活动。

The organizer purchased both Aviation Passenger Accident Insurance and Tourist Accident Insurance for every participant. Besides, an experienced doctor from local hospital was invited to follow each activity during the three days.