


Do you know something about LPW Nature Reserve?

(Composed by the Nature Reserve Dept. of EPB, Lijiang Prefecture )


拉市海位于丽江县中部, 1998 年 6 月被批准成为省级高原湿地自然保护区,使这块湿地环境得到恢复、保护和改善,为区内 57 种、数万只鸟类营造了一个欢乐的家园,有效地保护了拉市海湿地的生物多样性。

Lashihai wetland is located in the middle of Lijiang County . It was approved as a plateau wetland nature reserve in Yunnan Province in June, 1998. Since then, the nature reserve has been rehabilitated, protected and improved, which turns to be a paradise of thousands of birds consisted of 57 species, a place where biodiversity has been effectively conserved.

1 、拉市海保护区由天然湖泊拉市海、文海、文笔水库和吉子水库四个片区组成,保护区总面积为 6523 公顷,核心区为拉市海片区。

With a total area of 6,523 hectares, Lashihai Plateau' Wetland Nature Reserve composes of 4 parts, namely Lashihai Lake, Wenhai, Wenbi and Jishui reservoirs, among which Lashihai is the key part of the nature reserve.

2 、拉市海面积为 5330 公顷,南北长约 9.3 公里,东西宽约 8.2 公里,是丽江县最大的湖泊。拉市海四面环山,汇水面大,面积为 265.6 平方公里。

With an area of 5,330 hectares, Lashihai Lake is about 9.3 km long from south to north and 8.2 km wide from east to west. It is the largest lake in Lijiang County. Surrounded by the mountains, the catchment of Lashihai is about 256.6 square meters.

3 、拉市海主要由美泉河、科罗康等河流汇集而成,湖水清澈,水质良好,丽江地区环境监测站多年的监测结果表明,水质达到地面水环境质量Ⅱ类水标准,是丽江城区的后备饮用水源。

The Rivers of Meiquan and Keluokang are merged together into Lashihai. With good quality of water, which meets water quality requirement of Grade II. It is one of the reserved drinking water sources for the city of Lijiang.

4 、拉市海周边聚居着纳西等少数民族,有丰富的民俗文化资源,海边还有丽江五大寺之一的指云寺,是丽江著名的藏传佛教胜地。

There are Naxi and other minority nationalities inhabited around Lashihai Lake, who are rich in cultural and folk customs. Zhiyun Temple situated by Lashihai Lake is regarded as one of the five temples in the city of Lijiang. It is a famous tourism spot of Tibetan Lamaism.

5 、拉市海保护区内有着极为丰富的生物资源。

The LPW endows rich resources of biology.


每年秋末冬初,上万只水禽从北方不远万里迁来越冬,其中有黑鹳、黑颈鹤、中华秋沙鸭等国家重点保护鸟类,还有大量的赤麻鸭、鸳鸯等普通鸟类。据有关资料,拉市海湖区鸟类种群生物量每年约 2.5 — 3.0 万只,其中以雁形目鸭科生物量最大。在 57 种湿地鸟类中,特有、珍稀濒危的鸟类有 9 种。在拉市海的东、南、北三面浅水湖区滩地都有分布。

(1) Animals

At the turn of each autumn and winter, thousands of water fowls migrate afar from the north, among which there are some of national protected birds, such as Black Storks, Black Neck Cranes, Chinese Mergansers, etc. as well as great numbers of ordinary water birds like Ruddy Shelducks and Mandarin Ducks and so on. According to the records, the quantity of bird species in the area of Lashihai wetland each year amounts to 25,000 ~ 30,000, the Anatidae of Anseriformes takes the dominant. 9 from 57 species of birds in wetland are of special, rare and distinctive ones. They are distributed in the shallow lake areas in the south, west and east side of Lashihai.



保护区湿地植物分为有沼生(湿生)植物( 21 种)、挺水植物( 7 种)、浮水植物( 5 种)和沉水植物( 11 种)四大生活型,其中沉水植物作为湖泊固有的水生植物群落的建造者占有较大比例。有属国家三级保护的珍稀濒危植物海菜花,既可食用,也有观赏价值。

(2) Plants

The wetland plants in nature reserve are divided into four major life forms, among which there are 21 kinds of helophyte plant, 7 kinds of merged aquatic plant, 5 kinds of floating plant and 11 kinds benthophyte (submerged) plant. The submerged ones are among the largest portion for the building of aquatic plant community in the lake. The Ottelia acuminate is not only edible but valuable for ornamental purpose as well, which is an endangered species listed as national protected species Grade III.

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